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VII International Salacgriva classical music festival

In the summer of 2016 Salacgriva will hold the sixth International classical music. The organizer of this festival is Salacgrivas classical music festival fund, whose founder is the festival's author and founder, Virtuosi Moskvi and Mozart's Quartet first violin, the great Russian violinist and teacher Alexey Lundin. Continuing the traditions, brilliant musicians from Russia, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany and Latvian will take part in the festival.

During the festival, from July 29th till August 7nd, best Latvian music school students will have the opportunity to learn music secrets and skills from excellent masterclasse teachers - Violinists - Alexey Lundin (Russia), Anna Kandinskaya (Austria), pianists - Vsevolod Dvorkin (Italy), Marianna Aivazova Livathinau (Spain), viola - Erik Wenbo Xu (Germany), cello - Ivars Bezprozvanovs (Latvia). From May 18nd till May 30th we are waiting applications for masterclasses from Latvian and foreign students. Foreign student participations fee for masterclasses - 10 days 600 euro. (masterclasses, residence, concerts).
Classical Music Festival has become a pleasant annual tradition in Salacgriva that brings together excellent European, Russian and Latvian classical music stars. During the festival concerts will be held in churches, outdoor and culture houses. During the festival classical music concerts will be held in Salacgriva, Ainazi and Liepupe city
Gala or the festival final concert will be held next at the port of recreation complex “Kapteiņu osta - Captains port” on a floating stage at August 7nd. Gala concert special guests will be announced in the end of June.
You can purchase the tickets for the festival at “Biļešu paradise” ticket service, Salacgrīvas Tourist Information Centre and Salacgrīvas culture house.
„Virtuoso Moskvi” and „Mozart - quartet” first violin and the festival's artistic director Alexey Lundin:
“Nature and music, what could be better and more important? Salacgriva, located in one of the most beautiful places in Latvian, the music may sound different, not only in concert halls but also in the open air, that will bring freedom to musicians in contact with the festival visitors.”
The Chairman of Salacgriva municipality council - Dagnis Straubergs:
“Salacgriva city has become known for its music festival organizing and this chamber music festival could become another vivid impression of the city's musical activities range. This is especially because such bright Russian and Latvian chamber music stars are playing in our city. It would be a wonderful opportunity to share experience and creativity in search of new and already famous musicians that have reached the top, and so the festival visitors can have the enjoyment for their souls and spirits”.

www.salacgriva.lv  www.klasikasalacgrivafestival.lv 
information provided by Ilga Tiesnese – Salacgrīvas classical music festival fund coordinator and chairman 64071987, 29262996,


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Salacgrīva municipality council

Smilšu street 9, Salacgrīva

Salacgrīva municipality, LV - 4033

Reg. Nr. 90000059796

PVN Reg. Nr. LV90000059796

phone - 64071973, fax - 64071993

e-mail: dome@salacgriva.lv

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